Friday, August 3, 2012



Why did I name this blog Darby's Daily

Because we humans like alliteration? 

Maybe I should rename it "Darby's Dunno How Often"?

I have no blog fodder for today.

No "this moment" photo of the past week that I want to savor and remember.

No special, cute, funny something that Darby or Pumpkin did.

No quotation about dogs that I can cleverly illustrate with a photo of the girls.

No nothing.




The well that is my imagination is dry.

And the word "Daily" is echoing around in there.

Taunting me.  


Taryn said...

I completely understand :-) Wednesday's have the same effect for me!

Lois said...

No sweat....look forward to later posts, rest for now...

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

it is alot to live up to! But we know how difficult daily is, so we'll just think of it as alliteration.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy