Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First Weekend in February

I love the word "February."  But only when it is pronounced correctly:  Feb--rue--ary.  Library is another -ary word that gives some people trouble.  My mom was a librarian and it drove her nuts when someone said "lie-bree" or "lie-barry." 

Here is a look at the first weekend of FebRUary here at Darby's and Pumpkin's daily.  There are no liBRARies involved.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Ah, bru....brew....SHE needs another mug of coffee.

SHE sometimes works in the Li-berry at school...BOL!

Love that last sunset.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Lois said...

I'm cracking up re: Library ....cooooool pics...

Boo21's Mom said...

Daisy, the sunset was actually a sunrise. Gorgeous. The photo almost does it justice. We only got a little bit of rain after that "red sky at morning." Lois, on the way home tonight I was listening to a talk radio show and HONESTLY, the person being interviewed (a member of the House or a senator -- can't remember the name so I don't remember which)used the word "library" but pronounced it"lie-barry." I cracked up!