Monday, September 12, 2011

Scenes from the past weekend

a new book and two girls to help me read it
pomegranates harvested before the squirrels get them.
some of the pomegranates juiced and on their way to becoming jelly.  (Leda, wish I could give you some!)
Erika's husband and Bonnie post-picnic and pre-Big Band music under the stars in Virginia
some fall decorating started
oatmeal cookies baked
tomato plants still producing a handful a day
I have no idea what the girls are doing, but I like the photo of the fish.  Glenn carved it out of some old boards.
The one and only pumpkin, besides The Pumpkin, that is.  (I hope I didn't harvest it too soon!)
Perfect late summer weather.
closet organizing done
It was a good weekend.


Taryn said...

I love seeing the little glimpses of your life/house!

Scooter said...

Hey Darby & Pumpkin!
Wow, love the Fall decorating! My peeps want one of those neat fish for the yard, so Dad's gonna be working on that I think.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Becky said...

Ah-h-h! Family and home! Pictures filled with love.