Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Guess where I'm taking my break?

I wish I were taking a break on vacation in the San Juan Islands, or visiting Erika,Christian and Bonnie or just about anywhere but where I am -- in the hospital!

Surgery this morning for a non-life threatening issue went well and I should be going home on Wednesday around noon.

Wish my dog girls were here to snuggle with me.


Taryn said...

Oh, no! That's not a break! Hope you are feeling well ASAP!

Sammy said...

Woo Wooo Wooooo (That means get well soon in Cardigan talk).

Sammy, Bailey, Sandie, Zoe, Vickie, Rocco, Jolee, SusieQ, Mystique, Princess, Desi, Abby, Glacier, and Fancy.

Becky said...

Oh! We are so sorry to hear this news! Hope that all is better and that you will be home soon! Our thoughts are with you. Take care!

Scooter said...

Wow, I'm so sorry you had to see the dogtor! I am sending you my bestest healing vibes to help you recover and get back to your pooches lickety-split. Take care.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Builder Mama said...

I'm absent for a few days checking blogs and then this happens? Sheesh. Get well soon! Corgi snuggles are the best medicine.