Wednesday, August 28, 2013

One Word Wednesday



Scooter said...

Wow, lookie at the cute baby birdies! OMD they are adorable. I'd have to work really hard not to bash them, so you did a great job just sniffling them a little. Gee, they're cute!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Taryn said...

Did Erica get baby chickens?

Boo21's Mom said...

Sarge, both Bonnie and bailey are being very gentle with the chicks they've been introduced to. Taryn, Erika just received FIFTEEN baby chicks. As if she didn't have enough work with a neglected property and a partially remodeled 133 year old farm house!!! (-: Internet reception is terrible out here. Not able to visit my usual sites as often as I'd like. Publishing a post takes forever and often fails!

Boo21's Mom said...

Sarge, both Bonnie and bailey are being very gentle with the chicks they've been introduced to. Taryn, Erika just received FIFTEEN baby chicks. As if she didn't have enough work with a neglected property and a partially remodeled 133 year old farm house!!! (-: Internet reception is terrible out here. Not able to visit my usual sites as often as I'd like. Publishing a post takes forever and often fails!

Jackie Bouchard said...

OMD! So cute! I fear what Rita might do if introduced to a chick... There would have to be constant supervision!

Lois said...
