A rare thunder storm toyed with us here in very-southern Southern California. The sky got dark, the wind picked up, a nearly-imperceptible amount of rain fell and a double rainbow painted the sky. Here's yesterday evening in a few photos:
Does anyone else see Goofy? |
This little girl is goofy, too! |
I couldn't decide which photo I liked better, so I included both. We wish we didn't have those power towers on the far side of the canyon, but we also consider them insurance against the grower deciding to plant houses on those hillsides instead of the avocado trees that are growing there now! |
Rain! Well, OK, not hardly. But still... |
Beautiful pictures. We've been getting little spots of rain...not much...but lots of thick clouds.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Sounds lovely. :)
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