Monday, April 5, 2010

Marrow bones

OK.  I don't know how I messed up that last post.  THIS is the one that was supposed to go live and it wasn't supposed to go until tomorrow! 

I wasn't able to get any shots of Darby with her marrow bone, but Bonnie was still hanging on to hers for dear life yesterday.

Here she is walking around outside in the drizzle, hoping I will let her inside where she can gnaw in comfort.

I think she was afraid I was going to take the bone away from her.  She came when I called her--because she is so well trained--but she kept turning her back to me in a way that made me feel she was trying to keep some distance between me and the bone!

Once they both got all the marrow and bits of meat off the bones, I let them in--so Bonnie got to gnaw in comfort after all!


Sammy said...


Isn't just amazing how much they like their bones.

Sammy's human

betty said...

of all the days for it to rain/drizzle! the day with the bones; don't blame you for not wanting the mess inside until it was more bearable.

she looks mighty happy with it!


Snake Oak Farm said...

ha, she will just sit with stuff in her mouth and drool until she can come in on the carpet :) I can't wait to have my girl back. Thanks for taking such good care of her!