Sunday, August 23, 2009

New Puppy Class

Darby went to a new puppy class yesterday--same place, same teacher, different puppies.

What a surprise to see another cardigan come walking in--a too-cute-for-words blue about nine weeks old.

It was an even bigger surprise to discover that the puppy, River, is from Coedwig's recent litter of 12!

It will be fun to get to know River and his humans.

Darby wasn't quite as shy with the puppies this time. During free play she did allow herself to get backed into a corner by a tiny little Airedale named Lewis ("with a W") and the two of them stood there for quite awhile barking back and forth at each other. But a little later, she actually ventured into the center of the room!

I intended to take photos--Erika is home for the weekend and came along with me to class--but I forgot. So, this photo of Darby and the ball will have to do:

1 comment:

betty said...

Darby is soo cute!! I like cardigans, they are just soooo adorable looking

thanks for visiting our blog! My brother lives in El Cajon; I grew up in La Mesa; we are now up in the Temecula area :)

looking forward to getting to know you and Darby more

again, my condolescences on the loss of your brother
