Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Guardian angel

On Sunday, when I was finished working fiddling around at my desk at home, I almost rolled my chair backwards away from the desk, but something made me lean over to check the area around the chair. 

Thank goodness I checked!  Because there, with legs, a tail and a head right in the path of the chair, were my two girls.  I hadn't realized they had wormed their way around where I sat!
Of course, by the time I eased myself out of the chair, grabbed the camera, and focused (poorly), they were awake, heads up off the ground and about to jump to their feet.

Seems like some sort of guardian angel specializing in protection against mini-catastrophes was watching over them -- and me!  I have a feeling that if I had rolled over one or both of them, I would have been the one feeling the worst!

1 comment:

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You do feel bad when you accidently hurt the dogs. We've had accidents like that before.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy