Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Blog Name?

So, although I've included Bonnie in nearly all of the blog postings since she came to live with us, I knew her stay was only temporary so I never changed the blog name to include her.

But, before too long, this little girl* will be coming to live with us and her stay won't be temporary!

 I'm working on some new name ideas and welcome suggestions, too! 

In the meantime, I'm off to play with the Darbs and Bonnie on this lovely, unexpectedly cool August evening.

* Leda says Pumpkin loves bones and love to tease her brothers with them.  Sounds like she is going to be a feisty little girl!


Taryn said...

How about "Capers of the California Cardis" ? or just "Cardi Capers"...It's tough thinking up meaningful (and amusing) blog names!

Boo21's Mom said...

Oh! I like "Cardi Capers"! It's added to the list.

I'm sure there are going to be quite a few capers--I understand that Pumpkin is rather full of herself!

