Try as I might, I can't come up with a theme to tie all these photos together. But, I liked something about all of them, so here they are in all their mish-moshy glory!
I never get tired of looking at the sky from our backyard. |
Some of my mother's paperweights. |
The checkout girl asked me what kumquats taste like. I told her sweet and almost painfully puckery at the same time. |
Three weeks in a cone! Poor Harry! But, the eosinophilic plaques are MUCH better. |
I like red, white and blue. And, this portrait of Harry that I hooked. |
Darby can -- and often does -- jump up on this bench. Pumpkin can't -- or at least doesn't! |
This chair was painted by Deborah Gile, a woman who has a developmental disability. She likes flags, too. But, she especially likes the Statue of Liberty. |
I have two of Ms. Gile's Statue of Liberty paintings in my living room. In this photo, I look very much like them! |
Ms. Gile always paints Lady Liberty wearing a wrist watch and glasses -- just like she does! (Please ignore the clear plastic tape on the side of the chair. It is there to keep Harry from scratching.) |
I love the cabinet this man made for me to house my cookbooks. I'm not speaking to him anymore, though. (smile) He quit taking special orders before I ran out of things I wanted him to make. |
Emma jumps, Owen doesn't. Nice photos! I like Lady Liberty with glasses.
I love, love, your mush up of photos. There is a cliche piece of personal advice that goes something like, " do no judge your insides from looking at the outside of another." For one moment, however, I decided that you have a perfect life, a life to covet. The photos of your home; your georgious Pumpkin and Darby, fuzzy wuzzy Harry; original art; and you! You look so happy, healthy, beautiful, organized, productive... (I mean look at the garden. There are fresh cut flowers on the kitchen table of your beautifully decorated home.). Yes, for a moment, I want to be you. This is not intended to be creepy stalker stuff, simply enthusiastic, flattering compliments. Thank you for sharing. Rebecca, upright for Little Miss Pudgy Paws.
Lovely collection of photos. We love the sky and animals best...'cause we're outdoor animals.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
Daisy, you gals sure are outdoor types! I love HER photos of you out and about Downunder. Laurie, thanks for reminding me you have TWO corgis. Interesting how different they can be, isn't it? Rebecca and Miss Pudgy Paws (Corgis DO have pudgy paws, don't they?), thank you for the compliments. If you haven't already, be sure to read my post about the curating all (or most!) of us bloggers do!
I love all those photos. So colorful and creative.
What a relief! The post on curating might have saved what is left of the weekend. Last night, even though I joked about it, I was beating myself up because I have not decorated my home, nor planted my garden. You are very kind to have directed me there. I laugh that the gophers have you cowering. They are persistent critters.
I live in Temecula, (not far from you, i think), on a small man made lake. I also love the sky from my yard, and the ducks and geese. And, I also HATE fall. Two years ago, the days of November 6th to the 10th, were all over a hundred degrees. One day all records were shattered as we got to 111 degrees. No cool down at night either. I want to wear my sweaters! Southern California fall is awful. Hot winds and fires.
Mostly I am just thrilled that I can go back to being my curated self, and still smile. Thank you again. Rebecca, upright for Little Miss Pudgy Paws. I just love dey little pudgy feeties. I am trying to figure out the Frito Feet thing. Me got to have me some stumptacular pudgy paws.
swell pics, charming , especially all the flags :-)
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