Monday, September 17, 2012


On Friday, Glenn and I took the day off and went for a drive in the mountains just east of us.  When we came home, the girls didn't budge from their naps up against the cool foundation of the house.  It was a hot day, and for a moment or two as we stood there watching them, I had a terrible thought  -- were they dead?  I don't remember a time when they weren't waiting for us (nose printing the patio door)!  Maybe they didn't realize we were home because they didn't recognize the sound of the Porsche (we don't drive it all that much) and they weren't expectng us to come home in the middle of the day.  When I gently tapped the door, they leaped to their feet looking a little confused and maybe a little embarassed to have been sneaked -- or snuck -- up on!  

1 comment:

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

BOL! They must have really been in dream world!

We LOVE the corgi art on the door! Our glass doors look like that.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy