Sunday, November 6, 2011

Good Things

Clouds.  I love clouds.  Maybe because we see them so rarely in sunny, very southern Southern California.
Gentle animals.  Darby is hoping Harry will jump down, but she would only chase him if he did; she wouldn't hurt him. 
Harry has had plenty of opportunity to get back at these dogs who chase, herd, sniff and lick him.  I feel especially sorry for him when the two dogs, together, herd him around the house!  But all he does is escape to higher ground when he has had enough; never once has he used his claws on them. 
Autumn.  It gives me an excuse to indulge my love of pumpkins.  (I don't need an excuse to indulge my love of Pumpkin!)
Want a pretty little table riser like mine?  Art will make one for you!
Souls who know what they like.  Hanging out or sleeping on a stair step? Not for anyone in this household but Pumpkin, and she does it all the time.
 I like this exercise of thinking of the simple, good things in life. 


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Aren't cats supposed to be herded and just generally menaced???

Love your pumpkins--all of them.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

LOVELY POST!! Your home looks very much ready fur Thanksgiving...