Sunday, June 20, 2010

A pretty time of year

It's a pretty time of year here in the foothills outside of San Diego. The morning overcast that sometimes lingers well into the afternoon closer to the coast, burns off early 25 miles inland, but the temperatures are not yet climbing much past 80 degrees. That will end soon!

Lots of things are growing--like these suckers on the cottonwood tree that everyone told us not to plant but that we planted anyway because we love the way the leaves look and sound in the wind. (Between the cottonwood, the gophers and water restrictions, our lawn is a disaster!)

The tag for this rose is long gone. I have no idea what is is called, but the flowers grow in huge bouquets and the smell is wonderful.

I once read that everyone in Southern California grows Lily of the Nile "because we can."

I think the pretty late-springtime garden is a nice backdrop for the girls.

1 comment:

betty said...

I didn't realize that plant was called Lily of the Nile! it is so abundant here, you are right.

you are also right that it is a pretty time of year here but watch out, the heat is acoming!

hear you about the water and lawn; add a bit of corgi too and there it goes all downhill (at least our yard)

enjoy the day!
