Thursday, February 28, 2013

Oh, no! Not more vacation photos!

These are the last of my vacation photos -- I promise!

Queen Mine in Bisbee, Arizona.  The mine tour was lead by former mine employees.  The grumpy guy in the bottom center photo, started working in the mine more than 60 years ago!  He is 83 years old and still giving tours.  Can you guess what the strange contraption in the lower right photo is?  If you guessed a miners porta-potty, you're right!  The photo of me sitting on it didn't turn out very well!

Tombstone, Arizona.  Brrrr!  It was cold and windy that day!

The country club in Tubac, Arizona.  Center photo, kissing under the mistletoe! The dogs enjoyed a romp on the grass -- grass is a rare commodity in the Tucson area.  We four humans enjoyed a great dinner in the restaurant.

On our way home to San Diego, Glenn and I stopped at the petroglyph site outside of Gila Bend, Arizona.  It was amazing to see the work of artists who lived in that area nearly 2,000 years ago. 3/1/2013 -- Correction:  People lived in this area 2,000 years ago, but the artists who etched these images lived about 600 years ago. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

One Word Wednesday

Darby's mother, Bryn
The tag says it all

Monday, February 25, 2013

Copper and the Wild West

So yesterday morning the six of us -- Wendy, Mike, Glenn, Darby's Mom, Bryn, her buddy Dinah and I -- headed southeast (I think) from Tucson to the mining town Bisbee and the famous Wild West town Tombstone. We wandered the steep, hilly streets of Bisbee, took a Trolley tour, had lunch then joined a tour of the Queen copper mine. Bryn and Dinah couldn't go on the tour, but with the outside temperatures hovering around the mid 40's it wasn't a problem for them to wait in the car. After the tour, we turned our noses toward home but detoured into Tombstone for a quick -- and I mean QUICK with Wendy and Bryn leading the way! -- walk through Tombstone. Here are some photos from the day.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Along the way -- no Cardi content

I can never resist taking photos as we speed along the highway -- when I'm not driving, of course!
Here are some of my favorites from El Cajon to Tucson. We're headed to Bisbee and Tombstone today, so I'm sure I'll have some more photos tomorrow!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Recognize these girls?

On Friday morning, Glenn and I drove over the mountains, through the desert to Tucson, Arizona where these girls and their humans were waiting for us.

Friday, February 22, 2013

{these moments}

these moments. 

a friday ritual.

photos - no words - capturing moments from the past week. 

simple, extraordinary, (or ordinary) moments.  

moments I want to pause, savor and remember.

inspired by Soulemama



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

One Word Wednesday


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What'd I do?

I always feel just a little badly when Pumpkin looks up at me like this:
It seems like she thinks she's in trouble!

I like it much better when she looks at me like this: 

She is the sweetest dog!  Her puppy nickname -- Lil' Shitski -- rarely fits her at all anymore.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend Pink

Sunday, February 17, 2013

All about Harry

All about Harry...and his whiskers! I rarely notice his whiskers, but in these photos I barely notice anything else!